Name:      Manuel Fischer
 Directory: disk
 Amiga:     A3000T-040

 Technical data:

 Born:       Wednesday, 16.06.1971, around 1 a.m. in Berlin Wilmersdorf,
 Height:     188 cm
 Weight:     75 kg
 Shoe size:  44 (German size)

 Curriculum vitae:

 1971: Birth in Berlin
 1973: First sister enters this world
 1974: Second sister enters this world
 1975: Moved from Berlin-Charlottenburg to Berlin-Schmargendorf,
 1977: Elementary school, 1st through 6th grade
 1983: High school, 7th through 10th grade
 1985: Purchased the first computer: C-16 at "Aldi" (a germam supermarket) for 149,- DM :-)
 1986: Learned the first programming language: Pascal on a Siemens-Unix-Computer in school
 1987: Oberstufenzentrum electrical engineering/energy engineering, high school, 11th through 13th grade
 1988: Sold the C-16 and purchased my first Amiga: A500,
       temporary job at the post: sorting mail and parcel,
       first programming job: statistic evaluations, programmed in Basic
        (for the German Post)
 1989: Baptism and membership in the church of the Seventh-Day-Adventists,
       driver's license,
       met Michaela in Spain
 1990: Sold my A500,
       passed Abitur (German Highschool Diploma) ,
       matriculation for computer science at the Technical University in Berlin
 1991: Purchased my 2nd Amiga: A2000, bought my first modem,
       first access to the Internet
 1992: passed first level of diploma ("Vordiplom" in Germany),
       second programming job: development of a fax system under Windows/Novell (company EES)
 1993: purchased one of the last A3000T
 1994: in July became engaged with Michaela,
       produced a CD in commission (for Mirko Geuther)
 1995: For the first time at the Isel-Meeting,
       first flying attempts with Angelas unicycle :-)
 1996: Second time at the Isel-Meeting


 Meeting Pearls Disk-Admin
 AmiLog          - Logfile-generator for AmiTCP
 List2Set        - Find and filters out double strings in files


   Preferred meals:
    - pan cakes, several soufflés, etc., since the beginning of 1996 only
      vegetarian food.

    - all cakes except butter cream tart and (most) chocolate cakes.

    - everything except coffee und alcohol.

   Active non-smoker:
    - hasn't had a single breath from a cigarette or alike in his whole


 What he likes to do:
  - Spending time with Michaela
  - Photographing (with Nikon F-801s, also known as N8008s)
  - Programming
  - Internet: IRC, News, Mail, WWW, ...
  - Reading good books
  - Going to the movies


 Currently two computers, A2000 and A3000T. Furthermore an unused Noname
 with 8 MByte RAM and intel 80386/40.

 A2000:  68000 with 8 MHz
         2 MB Fast-RAM, 1 MB Chip-RAM
         flicker fixer and A2024-monitor
         A2091 SCSI with internal 40 MByte harddisk
         2 internal DD-diskdrives

 A3000T: 68040 with 25 MHz (A3640),
         16 MB Fast-RAM, 2 MB Chip-RAM
         A2410-Tiga-graphic card and 14" monitor,
         GVPIOExtender, A2386SX with VGA-card,
         internal: 240 MByte harddisk (Q240S), 1 GByte harddisk (Fujitsu 2694ESA)
         and Apple CD300, external devices change often,
         two internal HD-diskdrives,
         ZyXEL-EG Plus, GVP DSS8+

 external SCSI-devices:
         all possible streamers and CD-ROM-drives, MO-drives,
         GByte-harddisks, etc.


Picture 1:  Don't be startled! I hope, you can recognize me :-)


Picture 2:  Ah, finally time to pause...


Picture 3:  I like spaghetti!


Picture 4:  Digging is very funny :-) My intended nephew
            helps me to bake sand cakes.


Picture 5:  And another shock in the end: A self portrait with Michaela.


Manuel Fischer //  email:   
  IRC: leto  \\X/   phone: +49 30 8247337

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